Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I've finally done it: created a blog.  For some time now I've been contemplating foraying into the blogosphere.  What do I have to say... that people want to read?  Do I want to put myself out there risking exposure of vulnerability?  Do I have what it takes to compose abstract thought into print?  Divulging personal ideas, ideals, concepts, being able to take criticisms (even those deemed constructive), stimulate minds (including my own) in debate.

Reason.  We all like to believe we're capable of analytical, objective thought; however, in reality, we don't engage in it individually as often, if at all, as we expect others to do.  This blog is a challenge to me (an online journal, or journey, if you will) and those who choose to read my convoluted notions.  My mission is to encourage objectivity, have an open mind, and to participate in meaningful debate or dialogue about a variety of issues: internal conflicts, relationships, politics, society, current events, family, culture, religion, the arts, and everything in between.

Please feel free to leave constructive, informative feedback after each post.  Follow my blog updates on Facebook and interact in online debates on the discussion boards.  I just ask that, while I do value freedom of speech, please be mindful of rude, inappropriate behavior and language (i.e. name-calling, curse words, etc.).  I'm not particularly offended, but some readers may be - Thank you for understanding!

This blog isn't intended to gripe about "the system," or to bad-mouth individuals and organizations.  It's intentions are to inspire others to be willing to view people, circumstances, everyday life from various perspectives: to remove the individual from the situation looking through the lens of objectivity with an added touch of creativity.  This is my approach to recreating, or at the very least, capturing even a mere smidgen of the essence of The Enlightenment through the context of today's "modern" society.

I don't claim to be some highly-educated intellectual with a superior IQ.  Just someone humble enough to admit that I don't know or comprehend life's complexities, aspiring to challenge, stimulate the senses, educating myself on issues, associations, surroundings.  Always questioning... everything.